Features Google considers when ranking your website on search engine page results:
If you want the best page ranking on search engine results, you must have a Mobile Friendly, Fast and Secure website- it's the foundation for ALL websites!
1. Content- Fresh relevant Content is King!
Content is highly weighted when it comes to search engine ranking! This is why we recommend having a blog or News page on your website. Making posts a few times a month with fresh solid content helps your ranking. In fact, statistics show websites with a blog page receive 55% more visitors than those without.
2. Your website must be Mobile Friendly- or Dynamic!
This means your website auto sizes itself based on the device used when viewing your website. So no more pinching to zoom! More and more businesses are realizing that mobile websites are vital to sustaining and growing their business!
With the explosion of smart phone usage and smart phone ownership ballooning worldwide, in 2017 Google began Mobile First Indexing- what's that you ask? Well to put it in simple terms.....ALL websites that are mobile friendly will show first on search results! Google stats show almost 60% of searches are done from a smart phone.
So if you have to 'pinch to zoom' on your smart phone to read your website- THEN Your Website is being pushed further and further down the ranking results of search engines -yep, you're helping your competitors that have a mobile friendly website! Ouch!
3. Speed
Your website better be fast to get the best search engine page ranking! Research shows customers will give your website 2 seconds to load, then they move on!
4. Secure - You must have a secure site: HTTPS
Google expects websites to be encrypted, which will show HTTPS in the url, otherwise your website will be marked as NOT SECURE.

How to tell if your website is secure...... HTTP or HTTPS?
Go to your website and look at your URL address at the top of the page- if you see HTTPS (the S means Secure) then you're good- your website is secure! If you see HTTP without an 'S' then your website is not Secure and you need to take action!
Why do we follow so closely Google announcements? Because Google owns roughly 85% of all search engines- pretty impactful when you think about it! And most all search engines and browsers follow Google's lead!
If you want the best page ranking on search engine results, you must have a Mobile Friendly, Fast and Secure website- it's the foundation for ALL websites!
Halo Creatives Group based in Sarasota Florida has been designing custom mobile friendly sites since 2009. "Our focus is the small business owner- we want to improve their online presence so they can focus on their business and serving customers.
All our websites include full Search Engine Optimization and verification with Google as well as monthly Google Analytic Reports. It's what we do!"
Give Halo Creatives a call today 941-220-9722 or 330-256-3396 or visit our Mobile Friendly, Fast & Secure website at HaloCreatives.com